Continuing with the idea of filler words, today I want to highlight a simple but very useful one: insomma.
It came to mind today because I was listen to Radio24 this morning (Focus Economia, I think) and the guy kept using it over and over again.
As a filler, it can be used much like we would use something like "kind of", or "sort of" or "pretty much" when explaining something. Like most good filler words, the meaning isn't so definite, it's just wasting time so you can think of what you really want to say.
A: Allora, secondo te, quando migliorerà la situazione economica?
B: Insomma, ci vorrà del tempo, forse un anno. Sai, la situazione.... insomma... non cambierà velocemente.
Bonus usage: The word "insomma" can be a single word response to a question, indicating a generally positive but mostly "so-so" answer:
A: Come va?
B: Insomma...
In this example, it basically means "not great, but could be worse".
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